Monday, 2 July 2012

Sweet Bugger All

The summer before this, and every single summer for oh, say the past 6 or 7 years, myself, and most of the young people I hung around with have been very busy this weekend.  Most of us working our tail off.   Myself, Canada Day weekend has been spent in a restaurant for the last 4 years. The closest I've got to celebrating with the fireworks and all, has been to plunk a beer down in front of someone not me, and ask them how they are enjoying their long weekend?  And try not to smile too bitterly at them when I explain that I am working splits Fri/Sat and a night shift Sunday/Monday.   What long weekend?

Not this year.  The only time I spent inside a restaurant someone was most definitely waiting on moi. And while I had to forgo the beer, it was still nice to be sitting and eating on our national holiday, instead of asking "cheese and pepper?" four hundred times a day.

Mom and Dad had a change of plans while on the road, and as a result, never made it home at all, and aren't expected until next Friday.  You think we took advantage of the farm to ourselves? You bet your ass we did!  Ahhh....the serenity.  Love my folks, but the place is quieter without them.  Dad, buzzing around on something or other motorized, and mom marching around waving garden tools and ideas.

This weekend with just the two of us has been a blessing.  Starting somewhere around Friday afternoon, the jets of energy that basically propelled me through the last few weeks plain ran OUT.

So I began my long weekend with a nap.  Then Taz got home for work, and I explained to him a)what the doctor had said, b) my feelings and ideas and c) the plan of action.

Which was basically this: To do nothing you don't have to, or want to, the entire weekend.

You know that catchy song with the monkeys dancing music video? "Today I swear I'm not doing anything.... dum da dum, dum da dum.......  
Yeah, that's been the theme song.

So, we wanted to go lake trout fishing...check.  We are having trout for dinner tonight :-)

Mom suggested we take a canoe ride on Lakelet....check.  I sliced my heel, and we met some farmer-boy rednecks, and Taz almost made me pee my pants as we paddled away with his australian documentary voice,

"Well, we just had a run-in with some Canadian wildlife that we are very familiar with in Australia as well....pissheads."

Hmmm...reading over that I see how you'd have to be there for it to be as funny as it was... but trust me, I laughed.  We also took Zeek in the canoe, and aside from a few scary moments, he was pretty good about it.  But he much preferred sitting on the homemade pontoon boat constructed out of water barrels and plywood than being in our tippy boat

We had a picnic next to the river in Wingham one night, and the next day ate lunch at the Anchor while we watched as much of the Italy/Spain finals as we wanted to (collectively, maybe 20 minutes).  

We slept in late, and had a few long afternoon dozes.  We sat in the barn and played with camera lighting and took sneaky pictures of mennonites on the roads.  We watched youtube videos on birth and rebuilt sportscars and Australian fishing.  (Guess who picked what.)

It was like a second honeymoon and it was like doing wonderful sweet bugger all.

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