Friday, 29 June 2012

Pregnant = Exhausted

Mom and Dad left on Tuesday for a trucking trip. It is the first time mom has gone out since early May, and I hope she is enjoying herself.  I admit, I was looking forward to her return to trucking, because I thought it would mean a bit of a break for me....

not so.

Let me explain.  Mom must be directly descended from either those who built stonehenge, the whip-wielding slave drivers behind the creation of the pyramids or the architects of ancient Rome.  Hard work is in her very nature, and she doesn't know the meaning of "take it easy".  At almost 60, she put two of Taz's young male aussie friends to shame with her work ethic the week they were visiting.  She astounded them. She is up first, and to bed last every day, and works circles around most anyone.  Now, I consider myself a hard worker, and physical labour isn't something I shy away from, but holy sweet jesus, she beats me hands down.

And what's worse, she expects her level of work (or close to it) from any of us lucky enough to be sharing her abode.  So when she left for her 4 day trip with dad on Tuesday, this is the list she left me:

1. Mow balance of lower grass - around veg. gardens and along ponds

2. Tomato Patch:             
-Finish weeding
-Plant replacement toms
-Lay down newsprint along footpaths (in bag in tent frame)
-Water paths, fill buckets between toms
-Lay down straw heavily around everything (include perennials)

3. Lower Veg Gardens: Finish weeding squash patch, empty area in strawberry patch (large) and South of onions.  Add more straw for berries to lay on. 

4. Plant baby veggies in squash garden. Space leeks about 6 ins apart in 2 rows, eggplants about 1 foot apart.  Straw everything well. 

5. Lay straw heavily around cucumbers and squash.  


1.  Wash cloches and store in empty mulch bags (under blue weeding tarp)

2. Keep all annuals - in beds and flower pots watered every day (I need to emphasize here that there are MANY of these and this is at least an hour's job alone)

3. Keep eye on water levels in horse and cow troughs - use barn tap in basement. 

So, I tried. I honestly did, and I've got most of it done, except the lawn mowing (too bouncy for belly) some weeding, the veggie planting and the cloche washing, and some things probably need water today, like cows.  But I went into my doctor's appointment this morning, and instead of gaining weight at all in the last 11 days, I have lost a pound or so.  The doc took one look at me when she walked in and asked how much sleep I have been getting, and how much I am relaxing.  The answer to both: not much. In case you didn't notice, that entire list is outside work, involving bending, shoveling, lifting, hauling water in buckets and hoses, and nowhere on the list does it say "put your feet up".  But I have doctor's orders now, and I am supposed to take a nap in the afternoons, and rest during the hottest part of the day.  Good thing too, since it is supposed to be above 30 for the next few days, and yesterday was stupid hot. 

So I have a new plan of action: I will only garden during the cool of the morning, and evening.  In the afternoons, I will work on getting this house back to its normal self.  There is still an entire rec room full of wedding stuff that is about 1/2 organized, thanks to today and yesterday, and the kitchen and dining room are a disaster.   The problem is, in the last 4 days I have noticed a genuine drop in energy. I can't even muster the desire to go for a walk, much less clean or garden.  I guess that's supposed to happen, but it makes me feel guilty when there is so much to do, and I'm the only one here to do it. At least the doctor told me I need to rest more - can't go disobeying a doctor's orders, can I? I hope mom doesn't mind that her list will pretty much remain where its at, because this girl is going for a nap. 

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