Monday, 2 July 2012

Full Round Watermelon Belly.

Since I am making a concerted effort to fulfill all the food group requirements I'm supposed to be getting, and there's that unpleasant nagging worry that I'm not gaining weight at all, and whythefrigisn'tthathappening?isthisbad?, let's just say....I've been eating my share lately. And loving it.

Things like homogenized milk, which I don't normally even consider (I'm a 1% girl through and through) are appearing in my fridge.  I keep my half of the pizza, dammit, instead of turning it over to Taz after two or three slices.  And I am going to get the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables, even if I explode in the process.  And the ice cream....bliss comes in cone form, you know. 

But babies take up valuable stomach room, and my stomach has shrunkYup....didn't realize how uncomfortable full can and will feel until the 37th week of pregnancy.

I hadn't measured my belly in a long long time, and tonight while measuring fabric for diapers (have to write about that tomorrow too!) I took a look at how big I've gotten.  My waist is now a full 40"!  I checked, and that's bigger around than the watermelon we bought yesterday by quite a bit.

Know what else is growing? My feet.  I have hobbit feet so swollen they hurt :-(  Add the sliced right heel, and I'm a hobbling, waddling, hot mess.  With a watermelon belly.  Seeeexxxxyyy.   I usually scorn crocs unless in the privacy of my own home, and would rather go barefoot than wear them in public.  That was before 37 weeks.  I was >   < this close to wearing them to lunch yesterday when I discovered my sandals would barely fit.  Ugh. 

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