The Gaining and the Growing
I'm 15 weeks, 1 day today. That means Bean is about 4 inches long and weighs 2.5 ounces. Hmmm...makes me wonder where the rest of the 3 pounds I have gained has gone? Oh wait, there's a mirror, and there's my answer: My hips and ass! It's been a while since I've had this much curvage! I used to weigh over 160 pounds back in high school, and now that I'm sitting at a solid 138, and feeling like that's pretty hefty, I wonder how I ever weighed that much!
My waist measures about 32.5 inches now, and that's when I suck in. This sucking in business gets harder and harder every day, and yesterday I bought a pair of bona-fide maternity pants with the great big elastic that comes all the way up under my boobs, and I think that from now on I'm gonna have to let my tummy muscles go. And when I do....woah baby there's a real bump there! Amazing how much difference 3 weeks can make!
From here on out, I am supposed to gain about a pound a week.
The Hmmm-ing and The Hawww-ing
Curse it, I can't make up my mind about anything these days! I think it has to do with the amount of thoughts that are flitting around up there, keeping me awake long past when I am supposed to be asleep, dragging my attention away from the lectures I PAID to attend, and almost causing me to miss my bus stop. So much to think about these days, and so many decisions to make.
Midwife, or family doctor in Belmore?
Indoor wedding or outdoor?
Hep A shot for Cuba, or no?
Write about North American regional organization, or Asia-Pacific?
Do I need maternity bras?
I have to go to class now, but I'll be back later today, time permitting.
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