Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Diaper Diary Woes Part VI: Just a little too late

ARG! Earlier this spring, I spent hours and hours pouring over the internet trying to find Babyville Boutique products in a Canadian store with no luck..  I ended up buying solid purple PUL fabric instead, and some fold over elastic from Babyville in the states and paying a LOT in shipping and customs charges to have it sent over here.  Now today, while idly surfing the net, I come across this:
A  Canadian store located in B.C. selling all sorts of wonderful Babyville options.   I swear that wasn't available two short months ago.

In my case, it all worked out in the end, since mom found a store in a small town nearby with veeerrrry limited options for PUL, but patterned stuff nonetheless. I am loving the quality of everything we have picked out, and I'm learning a lot about sewing in the process. (For instance, measure twice, three times, FOUR times even, before you cut. Also, never lose your seam ripper. It is a beginner's best friend.)

Still. This store is way cheaper, and their selection is amazing. So, if any Canadian parents out there feel like sewing their own diapers go check out Stitchintheditch.  

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