I haven't posted in awhile, for a number of reasons.
The first is that we lost my grandfather on May 14th. It was a hard blow to our entire family, my mom especially. She spent the week or so before he passed away travelling back and forth from marmora, and luckily she wasn't trucking with dad, so she was with him when he died. The week after that was full of funeral arrangements, and we all traveled to Marmora for the day of the funeral. I haven't seen some of those faces in 2 years. Funny how a funeral brings everyone together in a shared sense of closeness, despite the time apart. Everyone is rallying around my grandmother, which is nice to see, and makes me appreciate how strong our family connection really is. With the 5 hour drive there, 3 hours for the funeral, and the 5 hour drive back, it made for a long day.
The second reason is that with the week that was lost, there was a lot of farm work that needed to be caught up on. Mom calls it "going gangbusters" and that's what we have been doing ever since. I wish I could scan her daily chore lists and upload them to the blog. Every morning, a new updated list for mom, one for myself, and one for danny are posted on the fridge. I've been doing all kinds of new stuff! Yesterday, I learned how to rake and seed bare ground so that grass will grow. And I learned how to spread cedar mulch around the dozen or so new trees that were planted last week. Today was mostly maintenance, such as watering all the new vegetable gardens, but I also got to plant a bunch of annuals in the arbour garden. I've been hilling potatoes, laying out and planting vegetable plots, attacking twitch grass wherever it appears in the gardens, shoveling sod and rocks, the list goes on. All of it is WAY more physically demanding than I thought I would be capable of this far along in my pregnancy, but its actually making me stronger. Exhausted at the end of the day, but stronger overall.
Yesterday I took a run to town to pick up 15 bags of mulch mom had purchased. With no one readily available to help me, I loaded the 56L bags myself, plus two 70L bags of soil on top. Mom promises all this physical activity will make labour easier. I sure hope so! Right now, it makes eating easier, and getting to sleep a breeze!
However, it makes blogging really difficult. We work outside rain or shine, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., only stopping to grab a quick lunch. Then Taz comes home, and I make dinner and visit with him until he is too tired to stay awake anymore (around 9 p.m.) Then, because I get up at 5:30 to help him with breakfast and lunch, and sometimes drive him to work, I go to bed too. There is literally NO time to blog!
We reached the 8 month milestone, and I had every intention of blogging about it, but no dice. Now we are closer to 33 weeks.
8 months sounds so crazy!! In less than 8 weeks I will be holding my daughter! With all the wedding prep, I haven't had much time to reflect on this, and I haven't packed a hospital bag, or pre-washed any baby clothes. Diaper making has come to a complete halt. I hope this little one makes it to her due date, because any earlier and I won't be ready, I don't think!
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