Thursday, 10 May 2012

Irony is....

Catching a cold just as the weather starts to turn warm.  Today was sunny and beautiful out, but I felt the cold getting worse and worse as the day progressed. By 2 p.m., I couldn't breathe through my nose, and by 4 I felt completely drained.  Normally, I'm a big fan of cold medicine, especially to sleep at night. But now, I'm not sure what I can and can't take. Even if I did know, our medicine box is buried somewhere in the mound of boxes left over from the move that I can't work up the motivation to tackle.  I'm cooking Taz a nice dinner for when he gets home from his 11-hour shift, but it might as well be wet cardboard for all I will be able to taste of it.  :( 

I can't feel too sorry for myself though. Taz has the same cold (I caught it from him) and he puts in a hard day of labouring.  Tonight will probably be an 8 o-clock bedtime for both of us if he feels as shitty as I do.

On the baby front, Amelia appears completely unaffected by how shitty her mom feels, and has been doing great big uterus stretching summersaults that change the entire shape of my belly.  Try weeding while that is going on!

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