Tuesday, 3 April 2012

24 weeks :D

Another milestone this week, one that makes me a very happy girl indeed!  In my mind, this pregnancy isn't broken down into trimesters so much as into my own life's landmarks along the way.  I haven't really followed the timester rules so far as symptoms anyway.
So, we had 12 weeks - This was the pot-committed, no turning back point for me and our decision
Then, we had 19 weeks - gender test via ultrasound
Then, the marvelous halfway point.  I celebrated with a particularly fiesty day of heartburn.
Now we are at 24 weeks.  Basically in my mind this is "baby survival cutoff" point. I know that sounds morbid, but premature birth is something that scares me and weighs heavily on my mind in the dark hours of the night, and dark hours of boring lectures too.
What's the next milestone? I really don't know for sure. Maybe the day I wake up with balloon hands and feet. I hear that could start anytime soon.

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