Monday, 9 January 2012

An awkward kind of day

Today is my last first day of classes here at Queens, and boy it couldn't come soon enough! A week or more of sitting on my butt with nothing to do but clean the house and walk the dog was getting to me.  I read 3 600+ page books, and cooked a bunch of freezer meals in preparation for the busy weeks ahead, but you can only read so much, only knit so much, only call so many people "just to chat" before some asks "Seriously Porsche, don't you have a life?"

So I welcomed the beginning of school with open arms.  Even though my very first class on Monday morning starts at 8:30, and is a rather dry "Regional Political Organization" hour and a half lecture.  At least the prof seems proficient, and kindly, and wears a tie.  I'm beginning to learn that you can formulate a pretty accurate expectation of a course based simply on how the professor dresses.  Suits and ties? A structured lesson plan and up to 26 readings already included in the course outline, with additional links available on the course website.  Corduroys and a long sleeve v-neck? An hour of distracted lecturing interspersed with frequent forays into unrelated topics which are interesting, but ultimately useless on the final exam.  A pencil skirt, or perhaps exceedingly polished wing-tip dress shoes?  ZERO LATE ASSIGNMENT TOLERANCE!! 

But I digress from this post's title, and the ultimate reason for my post today.....
Holy crap this is an awkward physical time for me! 
1. I'm right in between Portly and Pregnant on the waistline scale.  I've gained 3 inches on my usually 28-inch waist, and I really prefer at this point not to measure my butt at all. 
2. My hair is in that abhorent state between a grown out mowhawk (fun, but ultimatly BAD decision) and a more respectable mom-like bob.  I will call this state "mannish sheepdog"  There is no amount of straightening, or curling, or moussing, or praying that makes this a nice polished do .
3. My blood pressure is doing funny things to my ability to stand up after sitting down for longer than five minutes, and every time I try, I weave around like a drunk for 8-10 seconds while waiting for my vision to return.  This is funny at home.  Not so funny on the bus, or in class, in the library, or at the campus coffee shop.  I had someone try to catch me today. 
4. I'm 0-1 so far in my attempts to make it through a normal length lecture without having to leave to pee.  I have two more lectures today, and I am now strategically planning my fluid intake so that I don't have to do that awkard shuffle to the door while the professor stops lecturing and everyone stares at the scruffy boy-girl weaving drunkenly towards the door, and maybe someone who knew me from last semester thinks to themselves, "Boy, SHE put on weight over Christmas".

Well, that's all I have time for now.  I'm off to POLS 317.  After class, I'm going to post about my ultrasound! Complete with pics if I can figure out how to upload em.  Wish me and my bladder luck!

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